Monday, June 11, 2012

Back to Work

Hi all, sorry for the radio silence. I was in Chicago all last week doing some planning for a related project. More on this at some future point, I hope.

Anyway, as of today I'm back to coding, though I also have a bad cold which is really killing my productivity. I blame the airplane.

I worked on letting the sysadmin create users, which also involved refactoring the "patientList" fragment into a more generic widget than can be used both for Patients and Users. The create user UI will be simpler and more limited than what OpenMRS provides. In particular I'm limiting the "New User" function to always create a new Person, i.e. it won't let you attach a user account to an existing Patient. Any thoughts on this? Hopefully I'll have this up and running midway through tomorrow.

On Thursday's OpenMRS developer call we'll be talking about the project, and showing our work-in-progress to the broader OpenMRS community. Before then I need to catch up with the Intellisoft devs about how mapping the MoH 257 forms to the MVP dictionary is working, and also see how we've decided to break down the paper form into multiple electronic forms for real-time electronic capture.

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