We were talking about the facility registry again on Friday, and although we haven't yet decided exactly what subset we're going to load up into the system, we
do know that we're building this EMR to run at a single facility, so the first time you run the system after installation, you need to configure that location.

I just added some code so that if the system isn't configured yet, the homepage redirects you to the First-Time Setup page.
At the moment the only setting to configure is what location we're installed at, but in the future we'll probably also want to enable or disable certain apps from there. For example we might want to decide whether or not to enable the "Triage & Vitals" app at installation-time, depending on whether there's a computer at that station in the actual facility.
On the docket for tomorrow is creating htmlformentry module tickets about allowing us to use this selected location in a few places. Like these:
<encounterLocation default="gp:kenyaemr.defaultLocation"/>
<lookup expression="fn.globalProperty('kenyaemr.defaultLocation')"/>
Offhand I'm not actually sure there's any way to access this in an HTML Form, and we're going to need to.
Also tomorrow (known as "today" in Kenya) I'll look at the work Vincent and Steven have done on the MoH 257 encounter form, and see if we can incorporate that into the codebase.